Selected Publications (Click here for more recent publications)
- Y. Zhou, D. Liang, (2024), Modeling and FDTD Discretization of Stochastic Maxwell's Equations with Drude dispersion, Journal of Computational Physics, 509, 113033.
- Y. Shi, D. Liang, S. Xie, K. Fu, (2024), Fourth-Order Compact Block-Centered Splitting Domain Decomposition Method for Parabolic Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 448, 115933.
- D. Liang, C. Wang, (2023), Global energy-preserving local mesh-refined S-FDTD schemes for two dimensional Maxwell’s equations in Drude metamaterials, Computer Physics Communications, 294 (2024), 108936, published online Oct 2023.
- C. Niu, H. Ma, D. Liang, (2022), Energy-Conserved Splitting Multi-domain Legendre-Tau Spectral Method for Two Dimensional Maxwell's Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 90, 77.
- J. Xie, D. Liang, Z. Zhang, (2021), Energy-preserving local mesh-refined splitting FDTD schemes for two dimensional Maxwell’s equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 425, 109896.
- Suj. Sriskandarajah, D. Liang, H.M. Zhu, (2021), Using the EC-S-FDTD Scheme to Approximate Eddy Currents Induced by Z-Gradient Coils, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 69, 4715 - 4726.
- Hom N. Kandel, D. Liang, (2021), The mass-preserving solution-flux scheme for multi- layer interface parabolic equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 160, 42 - 64.
- B. Hou, D. Liang, (2020), Energy-preserving time high-order AVF compact finite difference schemes for nonlinear wave equations with variable coefficients, Journal of Computational Physics, 421, 109738.
- D. Liang, Z. Zhou, (2020), The conservative splitting domain decomposition method for multicomponenet contamination flows in porous media, Journal of Computational Physics, 400, 108974.
- W. Xu, D. Liang, H. Rui, X. Li, (2020), A multipoint flux mixed finite element method for Darcy-Forchheimer incompressible miscible displacement problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, 82, 2.
- K. Fu, D. Liang, (2019), A Mass-Conservative Temporal Second Order and Spatial Fourth Order Characteristic FV Method for Atmospheric Pollution Advection Diffusion Problems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41, B1178 - 1210.
- W. Li, D. Liang, (2019), The Energy Conservative Splitting FDTD scheme and its Energy Identities for Metamaterial Electromagnetic Lorentz System, Computer Physics Communications, 239, 94-111.
- Yousef Akhavan, D. Liang, M. Chen, (2019), Second Order in Time and Space Corrected Explicit-Implicit Domain Decomposition Scheme for Convection-Diffusion Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 357, 38 - 55.
- Z. Zhou, D. Liang, (2017), The mass-preserving and modified-upwind splitting DDM scheme for time-dependent convection-diffusion equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 317, 247 - 273.
- W. Li, D. Liang, Y.P. Lin, (2017), Global energy-tracking identities and global energy-tracking splitting FDTD schemes for the Drude Models of Maxwell's equations in three-dimensional metamaterials, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 33, 763 - 785.
- K. Fu and D. Liang, (2016), The conservative characteristic FD methods for atmospheric aerosol transport problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 305, 494 - 520.
- D. Liang, K. Fu and W. Wang, (2016), Modelling multi-component aerosol transport problems by the efficient splitting characteristic method, Atmospheric Environment, 144, 297 - 314.
- D. Liang and C. Du, (2014), The Efficient S-DDM Scheme and its Analysis for Solving Parabolic Equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 272, 46 - 69.
- D. Liang and Q. Yuan, (2013), The spatial fourth-order energy-conserved S-FDTD scheme for Maxwell's equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 243, 344 - 364.
- D. Liang, P. Weng and J. Wu, (2012), Traveling Wave Solutions in A Delayed Predator-Prey Diffusion PDE System: Point-to-Periodic and Point-to-Point Waves, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 77, 516 - 545.
- Frank X. Yu, W. Weng, P. Taylor and D. Liang, (2011), Relaxation Factor Effects in the Non-Linear Mixed Spectral Finite Difference Model of Flow over Topographic Features, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 140, 23 - 35.
- C. Du and D. Liang, (2010), An Efficient S-DDM Iterative Approach for Compressible Contamination Fluid Flows in Porous Media, Journal of Computational Physics, 229, 4501 - 4521.
- W. Chen, X. Li and D. Liang, (2010), Energy-conserved Splitting Finite Difference Time Domain Methods for Maxwell's Equations in Three Dimensions, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48, 1530 - 1554.
- Y. Cheng, D. Liang, W. Wang, S. Gong and M. Xue, (2010), An Efficient Approach of Aerosol Thermodynamic Equilibrium Predictions by the HDMR Method, Atmospheric Environment, 44, 1321 - 1330.
- D. Liang, W. Wang and Y. Cheng, (2009), An Efficient Second Order Characteristic Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Aerosol Dynamic Equations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 80, 338 - 354.
- Thomas Y. Hou and D. Liang, (2009), Multiscale analysis for convection dominated transport equations, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems, Ser. A, 23, 281 - 298.
- D. Liang, Q. Guo and S. Gong, (2008), A New Splitting Wavelet Method for Solving the General Aerosol Dynamics Equation, Journal of Aerosol Science, 39, 467 - 487.
- W. Chen, X. Li and D. Liang, (2008), Energy-conserved splitting FDTD methods for Maxwells equations, Numerische Mathematik, 108, 445 - 485.
- D. Liang, C. Du and H. Wang, (2007), A Fractional Step ELLAM Approach to High-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Problems with Forward Particle Tracking, Journal of Computational Physics, 221, 198 - 225.
- M. Gardam, D. Liang, S.M. Moghadas, J. Wu, Q. Zeng and H. Zhu, (2007), The Impact of Prophylaxis of Healthcare Workers on Influenza Pandemic Burden, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 4, 727 - 734.
- D. Liang and W. Zhao, (2006), An Optimal Weighted Upwinding Covolume Method on Nonstandard Grids for Convection-Diffusion Problems in 2D, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 67, 553 - 577.
- D. Liang, H. Wang and R.C. Sharpley, (2006), Finite Element Approximations to One Phase Nonlinear Free Boundary Problem in Groundwater Contamination Flow, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 22, 1268 - 1288.
- D. Liang and B. Zhang, (2004), Numerical Analysis of Graded Mesh Methods for a Class of Second Kind Integral Equations on the Real Line, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 294, 482 - 502.
- H. Huang, D. Liang and B. Wetton, (2004), Computation of a Moving Drop/Bubble on a Solid Surface Using a Front-Tracking Method, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2, 535 - 552.
- D. Liang and J. Wu, (2003), Travelling Waves and Numerical Approximations in a Reaction Advection Diffusion Equation with Non-local Delayed Effects, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 13, 289 - 310.
- H. Wang, D. Liang, R.E. Ewing, S.L. Lyons and G. Qin, (2002), An ELLAM approximation for highly compressible multicomponent flows in porous media, Computational Geosciences, 6, 227 - 251.
- H. Wang, D. Liang, R.E. Ewing, S.L. Lyons, G. Qin, (2000), An Approximation to Miscible Displacement in Porous Media with Point Sources and Sinks by an Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method and Mixed Finite Element Methods, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 22, 561 - 581.
- H. Wang, D. Liang, R.E. Ewing, S.L. Lyons, G. Qin, (2000), An ELLAM-MFEM Solution Technique for Compressible Fluid Flow in Porous Media with Point Sources and Sinks, Journal of Computational Physics, 159, 344 - 376.
- D. Liang and B. Zhang, (1999), A Finite Element Method for a Unidimensional Single-Phase Nonlinear Free Boundary Problem in Groundwater Flow, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 19, 563 - 579.
- D. Liang and W. Zhao, (1997), The High-Order Upwind Scheme for the Convection-Diffusion Problem, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 147, 105 - 115.